Founded By An Army EOD Technician

Here at BombProof Brand we believe that the true strength of our Military, Law Enforcement, and First Responders, is our people and communities they are part of. We started BombProof as a means to not only support all those brave men and women who sacrifice daily for others, but also to grow and strengthen those communities that have their backs.

Good Vibes Only

Unstructured Hat's Are Here!!!

Checkout All Our Headwear

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  • Worth the Wait!

    Nearly all of our products are Made-to-Order and printed after your order is placed. Making products on demand helps reduce overproduction and waste, while allowing our business to remain flexible.

  • Why BombProof?

    Within the EOD community we are BombProof, not as individuals, but as a community. Being BoombProof is not about being indestructable... It's about being resilient, learning to grow through adversity, it's a mindset!

  • What's Next?

    We didn't set out to just create another apparel company. The larger purpose of BombProof is to promote mental health within the community we are a part of. To that end, our over the horizon plan is the creation of our own Non-profit.


Click the link below to learn more about all the great things that the EOD Warrior Foundation is doing.

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